Ronald Wade Collection

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Description HAKE # Past Auction Sales Records or
Hake Estimated Value
Estimated Value
Benjamin Harrison-Levi Morton campaign bandanna BH3023 $260 (Hake) $350
William McKinley-Theodore Roosevelt 1900 Campaign beer tray MAC3027 $900 (Hake)  
1900 memorial photo of Lincoln, James Garfield and William McKinley, all assassinated Presidents in memory of McKinley assassinated in 1900 period framed.     $65
Theodore Roosevelt for Governor and Timothy Lester Woodruff for Lt. Governor of New York 1898 poster     $250

Teddy Roosevelt  1907 art from Schwab and Wolf of New York bought from Frederick Fisher, who was previous owner from Rhinelander, Wisconsin who wrote:  It features two bears as hunters carrying a lynx on a pole, headed for Washington, D.C.   The lynx is apparently a reference to Canada's unsuccessful position before the United States and British Joint High Commission formed to settle the Canada-Alaska border issue in 1903, an issue that evolved from the discovery of gold in the Klondike.  The United States and Canada had disputed several grievances of some significance but not sufficient for war.  Near the end of President McKinley's first term the Joint High Commission was formed, but as it was unable to address the issues one at a time, each on its own merits, the Commission did not agree on any of the points and disbanded. Roosevelt became President after the assassination of McKinley and suggested to the state department that the commission be formed again, but he took things a step farther in the Roosevelt way and virtually assured U. S. success in the border dispute.   Roosevelt is saying "I Did It" (see hat on Teddy bear) as they carry the Canada lynx home for bragging rights.  It measures 23.5 by 22.5 inches.  It is made of linen, with art on one side with  colors still vivid.  The item is in overall excellent condition.  This treasure has been in my family (Frederick Fisher) for one hundred years, having been acquired by my grandfather in the copyright year shown on cavas of  1907 and passing to my aunt and then to me.

  Pd. $259 ebay 12-10-08 $350
Theodore Roosevelt and Charles W. Fairbanks 1900 campaign bandanna ROO3018 $450 (Hake)  
Theodore Roosevelt as outgoing President and William Howard Taft as incoming Presidnet as Teddy Bear and Billy Possum postcard.     $25
Woodrow Wilson sepia paper poster     $35
President and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson invitation to White House wedding of his daughter Jessie Woodrow Wilson in 1913.   Paid $44  through PayPal to: bill@ on Dec-29-07, ebay item #
Woodrow Wilson pewter-colored metal bust     $65
Woodrow Wilson full color paper campaign poster $65
Sepia Charles Evans Hughes for President poster     $35
Charles Evans Hughes for Governor postcard     $20

Hard rubber piece showing Franklin D. Roosevelt.  On back "Going to Run 3rd Term--Just Tap My Chin".  If you do his nods and nods yes yes yes.      $250
FDR Mantle Clock     $95
NRA clock for FDR     $145
FDR ceramic bookend with FDR inset photo.     $35
Franklin D. Roosevelt for re-election as Governor of New York upright cardboard poster     $300
Franklin D. Roosevelt for re-election as Governor New York horizontal cardboard poster     $200
Roosevelt-Truman vertical photo 1944 campaign paper poster.     $150
FDR full color cardboard poster     $15
Franklin D. Roosevelt window sticker     $10
Willkie for President paper poster     $25
Harry S. Truman for President 1948 campaign flier     $25
George Washington Collectible Doll, made by Effanbee Doll Company in New York City. Dollis approximately 15 inches high and was made is 1983.     $45